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Basic Usage

Basic Information/Usage

Nornir has historically contained it's plugins within the actual Nornir codebase itself, this however has changed! As of mid September 2020, Nornir 3.0.0 has been officially released -- this move to the 3.x.x version now expects plugins to be external to the code base. If you are looking for pre 3.x.x support, please use the 2020.09.01 version.

If you have used Nornir before (pre 3.x.x), this package should be very similar to what you already know. Since the plugins used to live in Nornir you could simply import them from the appropriate package as such:

from nornir.plugins.tasks.networking import netconf_get_config

With nornir_scrapli you simply install this package along side "regular" Nornir, and import the tasks from nornir_scrapli directly:

from nornir_scrapli.tasks import send_command

As soon as a nornir_scrapli task is imported, it (nornir_scrapli) will register as a connection, and things should work as normal from there!

The last important difference with nornir_scrapli is that in addition to the "normal" data in the Nornir Result object, nornir_scrapli also assigns the scrapli Response object (or list of Response objects) to the scrapli_response attribute. This means that you can access all of the "normal" scrapli response data from this object -- including things like elapsed_time and textfsm_parse_output:

>>> some_nornir_result["sea-ios-1"].scrapli_response.elapsed_time
>>> some_nornir_result["sea-ios-1"].scrapli_response.textfsm_parse_output()
[[some structured data back from the device!]]

If you would like to continue using print_result like "normal" in nornir, but would like to see structured data (if available) in the print_result output, you can use the nornir_scrapli print_structured_result function. This function can be imported from the scrapli functions module:

from nornir_scrapli.functions import print_structured_result

This function acts pretty much exactly like the "normal" print result function, but will of course try to print the structured result. By default this will try to use textfsm to parse results, but it is of course configurable via the parser keyword argument. As scrapli will return an empty data structure if parsing fails, this may cause tasks to look like they are getting skipped in the output (nornir's print result function does not print empty lists), if you would like to fall back to printing the unparsed output you can do so by setting the fail_to_string keyword argument to True as follows:

print_structured_result(my_agg_result, parser="genie", fail_to_string=True)

Using Different Transports

nornir_scrapli supports all synchronous scrapli transport plugins. By default, the "system" transport will be used, however you can change this in the extras section of your nornir inventory:

    port: 22
      ssh_config_file: True
      auth_strict_key: False
      transport: ssh2

Note that you will need to install scrapli_ssh2 or scrapli_paramiko if you want to use those transport plugins!